This project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund
The project will be implemented by InfoDom d.o.o together with its partner Faculty of Organisation and Information Varaždin, University of Zagreb (FOI), Varaždin (FOI)
Brief description of the project
The company InfoDom d.o.o., together with the Faculty of Organisation and Information (FOI) are planning to develop a new, innovative platform called DEP (Digital Enterprise Platform) for the digital transformation of companies in the energy sector. The DEP platform will enable simpler transformation of operations, with greater sensitivity to customers, better quality integration of business processes, and a more agile business model. The platform will consist of systems that enable an interactive connection with end users and customers of energy services, which will provide a constant flow of data on customer habits and needs. Through special modules, this will then be able to be built into products and services.
Project objectives
General objective: To contribute to increase the capacity of companies for research, development and innovation in Croatia through effective cooperation with research and development institutions.
Specific objective: To develop an innovative platform for the digital transformation of companies, with the strengthening of the capacities of companies in research, development and innovation.
Expected project results
- Industrial research on the theoretical foundation for the development of tools to assess company maturity for digital transformation
- Analysis and development of models for vertical industry
- Modelling the concepts and architecture of CESS (Customer experience support system) and IMS (Innovation management system) systems
- Modelling the concepts and architecture to improve the user system
- Developing prototypes of CESS and IMS systems and testing their experimental operation
- Development of a prototype to improve the user experience
- Development of CESS and IMS products and implementation in the production environment
- Development of components to improve the user experience
- Protection of intellectual property
- Project promotion and visibility, internally and on the market
View the video on the project here.
Total project value (HRK): 9,141,226.62
Total grant (HRK): 5,466,840.40
Project implementation period: 1 Sep 2017 – 31 Aug 2020
Contact person for more information
Goran Marković, project manager
Mihaela Jurić, head of the Department for preparation and implementation of EU projects
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