Development of new products for the self-assessment of regulatory compliance, maturity assessment and controlling in the area of sustainable food production and processing – GRC FOOD e-Controller
This project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund
Brief description of the project
Entities in the food industry face great challenges on how to align their operations with the large and comprehensive national and EU legislation and food safety standards (e.g., CODEX Alimentarius, HACCP, ISO 22000). Internal control processes and risk assessments (i.e., GRC – Governance, Risk, Compliance) are often led in an unstructured and ad hoc way, and are poorly digitalized.
Guided by these problems, as part of this project the company InfoDom d.o.o. will develop a software solution to facilitate food industry businesses to manage their GRC processes in an orderly, structured and digitized way through the use of methods and tools for self-assessment of regulatory compliance and measuring the maturity of their own GRCs in the company in the areas of sustainable food production and processing.
The purpose of the project GRC FOOD e-Controller is to empower the food industry through the digitalization of GRC functions. The result will be increased security in the consumption of food products and improved consumer health protection.
Project objectives
General objective: To contribute to strengthening the capacity of companies for research, development and innovation, while strengthening their cooperation with research and development institutions.
Specific objective: To increase investments and capacity of the company InfoDom d.o.o. in the research, development and innovation and development of a GRC portal for the self-assessment of compliance with the legal regulations and assessments of maturity in the area of food safety.
Expected project results
- Fundamental research of the theoretical basis for the technology and development of GRC and PEC tools
- Analysis and development of GRC models, self-assessment methodology, model for maturity assessment, model of vertical industry and regulatory framework in the area of food safety
- Modelling concepts and the architecture of the GRC and PEC systems for food safety
- Development of a prototype of generic GRC and PEC systems
- Development of a GRC portal
- Development of PEC projects to oversee the processes, projects, results and events with accompanying monitoring
- Protection of intellectual property
- Promotion and visibility
For more about the project, please visit:
View the video about the project here.
Total project value (HRK): 1,492,732.30
Total grant (HRK): 785,655.72
Project implementation period: 18 Dec 2016 – 18 Dec 2017
Contact person for more information
Stjepan Bobinac, MSc, project leader
Mihaela Jurić, head of the Department for the preparation and implementation of EU projects
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